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Our Services

Through a myriad of felt needs, and with great emphasis on sustainable development, Food for the Poorest Foundation has designed the delivery of our community intervention programs through 3 thematic focus areas:

Nutrition Slide 1


Through the provision of hot meals, nutritional supplements and the distribution of raw food items and grains, Food for the Poorest Foundation addresses the most primal need of man; food. And like our name implies, this remains the focal point/centerpiece of our engagement as well as the premise from which all of our global intervention strategies spring.


Rising incidents of global hunger occasioned by deforestation and other global trends requires a systematic approach to tackle the lack of access to adequate, nutrition by the world’s poorest. Not to mention global statistics which states that “…malnutrition is the leading cause of death globally.” (Global Nutrition Report. 2020.)


Since inception, Food for the Poorest Foundation has partnered with similar intentioned organizations and individual donors, such as yourself, to provide over 10,000 hot meals to indigent children and expectant mothers, distribution of over 100 tons of raw food items and grains to over 2000 poor families and the provision of regular cash incentives to women-led households across the poorest communities in Africa, with multi-room homes financed and built by the foundation and handed to 4 widows, at 0 cost to their families.



It’s been said that Education is the most powerful tool to change the world. Underlying Food for the Poorest Foundation’s founding principle, much premium is placed on providing access to qualitative, free education to indigent African and South American youth.


By educating this vulnerable demographic, we breed confidence in the young impressionable minds which in turn produces hope for a better tomorrow. Since inception to date, over 2,000 education scholarships have been awarded by Food for the Poorest Foundation; from elementary to university level.


It is envisioned that beyond providing our several humanitarian services to beneficiaries, quality education empowers them to become self-sustaining and in the future, help other members of their communities to rise out of poverty, thus perpetuating the cycle of development.


Plans are presently underway to establish free primary and secondary schools, with the pedagogical model of future-ready education, to benefit indigent children in the communities we serve with.


Livelihood support

As a continuum to ensure maximum impact that is sustainable -well beyond the period of Food for the Poorest Foundation interventions-, we have designed programs that seek out and empower indigent youth from the poorest communities of Africa and South America, with technical and vocational skills in areas of their personal interests.


Beneficiaries of these skills are thereafter placed in paid internship positions with our partner organizations to solidify their expertise in their acquired skills, after which those who show a high affinity for entrepreneurship are provided with grants to launch their business endeavors in their skills area.


Partner with us to provide this end-to-end solution to unemployment and attendant youth restiveness in the poorest of the poor communities in the world.