GAIN Africa
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Global Aid for Nutrition in Africa
(GAIN Africa)

A Food & Agriculture Intervention for Women Farmers in Africa.
The Global Aid for Nutrition in Africa (GAIN Africa) is a flagship intervention of Food for the Poorest Foundation USA, which is in line with our primary thematic focus area of providing access to nutrition for the world’s poorest of the poor.
This proposed pilot scheme of the intervention will be delivered from the cardinal points of Research/Training on Farming and Processing Techniques; Livelihood Support via distribution of raw food items and supplemental nutrition resources to beneficiary families; and Access to Capital via the setup of a Women Farmers’ Cooperative Society.
Women play a central role in agricultural production, processing, and marketing, contributing almost 70% of the total labor output in the agriculture value chain in Africa.
- There is observed inadequate education and training in agronomic practices aimed at maximizing crop yields while minimizing environmental damage and ensuring sustainability.
- Subsistence living also plays a major role in limiting the outputs and expected outcomes of farming as most rural African farmers live subsistent on their crops, thus limiting their ability to maximize profit from their farming activities.
- Capital remains a major limitation in farming and agriculture in general, as only a few farmers have access to rural credit.
Source: “Country Case Study towards a Global Strategy for Cassava Development”, Nigerian Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (funded by International Fund for Agricultural Development, UNFAO Rome, 2005.)
Engagement Strategy.
The pilot intervention for GAIN Africa targets rural women farmers. Priority will be given to
women-led households. This pilot as earlier stated, will be approached form 3 cardinal points:
- Research & Training; women farmers from the beneficiary communities will be taken through an intensive training program on global best agronomy practices and processing techniques, including highlighting the economic potentials of agricultural by-products.
- Livelihood support: the families of beneficiaries of this pilot project will be supplied with a variety of raw food items, at no cost, to cushion the effects of overdependence on their farm produce thus increasing potential for maximal financial profit from their farming
- Capital: funding will be made available to a cluster of women farmers from the beneficiary communities, which will serve to support their farming These women will be organized into a women farmers’ cooperative society.
*Food for the Poorest will partner with an established micro-finance or community bank in the project delivery location for funds disbursement and provision of single-digit or interest-free loans, depending on desired amounts by respective beneficiaries.
Proposed Outcome.
The expectation by engaging members of target communities in this pilot is outlined below.
GOAL: Observable, measurable adaptation of women farmers |
TO: |
Poor agronomy practices |
Improved agronomy practices resulting in increased yields, increased productivity and sustainable environmental impact. |
Malnutrition due to subsistence living on farming produce |
Improved nutrition for beneficiary families through access to supplemental raw food and grains, in addition to other nutritional items. |
Zero access to rural capital to expand and improve upon their agricultural enterprise and sundry income generating activities |
Establishing a rural women farmers’ cooperative society to ensure easy access to capital (via single-digit interest or zero-interest loans) to boost farming and sundry income generating activities. |
Are you a nonprofit or community-based organization working in The Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Liberia & Nigeria at the intersection of SGDS 2, 5, 8 & 17 and desire to scale the impact of your organization towards delivering the GAIN Africa project? Then send your application for partnership consideration and stand a chance to receive $6,000 USD in *restricted grant funding for your organization.
*Funds disbursed are restricted to expenditure only in specific aspects of project delivery and cannot be used outside those delineated jurisdictions.
Application packets should contain the following details:
- Name of your organization.
- Synopsis of your organization’s operations.
- Organizational structure (Names of board members, and CVs of executive leadership).
- Organization registration details (attach registration certificates/documents).
- Number of years active.
- Communities where you have served previously (detailing projects delivered in each community).
- Total value of past/on-going grant(s) received (ability to provide evidence will be required in future.).
- Previous collaborative partnerships entered into (list names of all organizations partnered with.).
- Details of projects/programs delivered in previous collaborative partnerships (emphasis on program outputs and outcomes.).
- Social media handles.
- Organization’s website (if available).
All applications MUST be submitted in English Language only.
Once received within the stipulated window, all applications will be acknowledged via email ONLY.
There will be no extension of the application window.
Additional materials cannot be submitted once application is received, only a request made by Food for the Poorest Foundation for additional materials will be entertained and reviewed.
Not more than one application will be received from single organizations.
Whilst Food for the Poorest Foundation encourages collaborations and partnerships, for the purposes of this call, we advise that each organization submits its own separate application.
For the purposes of this application, phone calls will NOT be entertained from prospective partners. You are advised NOT to contact Food for the Poorest Foundation USA via phone calls to discuss the state of your application.
Application packets must be organized in the sequence shown above with each different aspect started on a fresh page.
Mail your application document in PDF format (only) to not later than midnight January 31st, 2025.
Applications received AFTER the application window will not be opened.
Food for the Poorest Foundation USA will NOT fund
- Individuals
- Organizations without a legal board of trustees (as stated in registration documents)
- Any entity that has mismanaged other foundation’s funds in the past.
- Political parties, campaigns, institutions or their subsidiaries and affiliates.
- Organizations that advocate, promote, or espouse inhumane policies, illegal activities, or terrorism.