Fr. Paul Kasun​

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Born Stan Kasun in 1963, Fr. Paul Kasun is a monk presently on assignment in Colombia, South America, working at the Benedictine mission at Christ the King priory in El Rosa, Colombia. He started his mission to Colombia in August 2016 and has since demonstrated a great love and commitment to the people of South America.

He is a man committed to prayer and meditation and the simple lifestyle of prayer and work that exemplifies the existence of monks is what inspired him to becoming one himself, which he sees as a sanctification for life.

He joined the seminary in 1981, at age 18 and sees the dedication of his life, in service to God and humanity, as the highest call. His educational journey began at a catholic grade school in his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska where he was exposed to classical music and composers by attending symphony concerts. This early exposure accounts for his enduring love for classical music today.

One of his earliest role models during his time in seminary college, Fr. Thomas, a priest originally from India, inspired and motivated him to study sociology. He attended the University of Texas between 2008 and 2015. Prior to this time, he graduated from Conception Seminary College in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in divinity, that same year he was ordained into priesthood. Going further, he earned his Master of Arts degree in 1997. Fr. Kasun has extensively studied and researched Guatemala and Latin America working as a sociologist.

Charity to Fr. Kasun encompasses self-sacrifice, which he sees as what an individual, as much as what a group of people can undertake, and which can find expression in as elemental a process as individuals or groups of people giving of their time to a cause.

His background as a sociologist, guides his approach to human relations, in how humans relate and interact with and amongst themselves, and their environment; analyzing situations in times of conflicts and/or disagreements that may arise due to these interactions and arriving at solutions that improve relations and interactions in general.

He loves to read and innovate ideas and has vast interest in astronomy, watching movies and engaging the creativity of other people.

His mission/philanthropic works has seen him travel to different countries in Africa and Latin America, establishing projects and programs that impact on the improved life outcomes of poor rural and urban dwellers. He has helped to set up water projects and vocational schools in Tanzania, and Uganda.

He has worked with Ken NnaFood to deliver programs in Nigeria under the aegis of Christian Foundation for the Youth & Aged and Food for the Poorest Foundation, where he currently serves as the co-Chair of the board of trustees.