
Born Stan Kasun in 1963, Fr. Paul Kasun is a monk presently on assignment in Colombia, South America, working at the Benedictine mission at Christ the King priory in El Rosa, Colombia. He started his mission to Colombia in August 2016 and has since demonstrated a great love and commitment to the people of South America.

He is a man committed to prayer and meditation and the simple lifestyle of prayer and work that exemplifies the existence of monks is what inspired him to becoming one himself, which he sees as a sanctification for life.

He joined the seminary in 1981, at age 18 and sees the dedication of his life, in service to God and humanity, as the highest call. His educational journey began at a catholic grade school in his hometown of Omaha, Nebraska where he was exposed to classical music and composers by attending symphony concerts. This early exposure accounts for his enduring love for classical music today.


Exemplified by her penchant to put the needs of others above hers, Ken Nnaka, popularly known as Ken NnaFood, credits his mother’s generosity and passion to feed the hungry -despite her own limited resources- as his first experience with, and motivation towards charity.

Born into a large African family and growing up in the midst of numerous children, young Ken always wondered what the future held for him beyond the immediate rural surroundings of his birth. From a very young age, he demonstrated immense curiosity about the world and sought, through his quest for knowledge, to discover the vast opportunities he believed existed in a world beyond his present reality.

It was this curiosity that resulted in his chance encounter with destiny when at 13 years of age, walking back home after a Sunday morning mass, he found a random piece of paper along a dirt road in his hometown. He picked up the flier, read it, and discovered it was a call for the recruitment of young men into the priesthood by the catholic archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, in faraway United States of America.